I am so excited about you finding my Ceramic Handprint Training Academy!  You may like to know a little bit about me before you get started. I am mostly an open book and I don't mind sharing some of the things that make me tic!

So as Paul Harvey used to say....here is "the rest of the story." If you don't know who Paul Harvey is, google him. He was great!


  • I love milk duds with my popcorn
  • I am on a quest to see the world. I {heart} traveling
  • I believe a good pedicure can cure just about any problem
  • I love a good old fashion belly laugh. The kind when you can't catch your breath and you can't even remember what got you laughing in the first place.
  • I sleep with a "snuggle pillow."
  • I make the best mint chocolate chip ice cream cake you will ever eat.
  • I love working with my hands and working with others. This business helped me combine two of my loves.
  • I love live music and you may find me at a concert dancing and singing like I actually am a rock star.
  • I love reading and I have a stack of books next to my bed that never really goes down because I am always adding to it.
  • I love a good unsolicited hug from my boys.
  • I love hearing laughter and play of children on a play ground, off in the distance.
  • The ocean is where my heart is and I recently moved back to CA after a 30 year stint in Utah.


I started my Ceramic Handprint Business, Tiny Touches, from scratch in 2000. I knew I needed to find a way to keep my mental health healthy and my creativity flowing as I was a mom with two small children. I knew I wanted to stay home with my two little boys and I knew I needed to bring in some money for my family. Thus, my own ceramic handprint business was born.

After 12 years of running my business I was starting to get a little antsy. I was ready to start challenging myself in other ways. My background is in teaching. I graduated in 1993 with my bachelors degree in Health Sciences and Secondary Education. I taught in the High Schools for 4 years before my babies were born. So, once again I saw a way to combine my education (teaching) with my ceramic handprint business. So I dusted off my teaching skills and created my Ceramic Handprint Training Academy. I am a great teacher and it was so fun to put together this program for you!

In 2012, I made a very emotional decision to sell my business. It was emotional for me because I really loved what I did. But sometimes it is time to move and and with other changes going on in my life, it was just time. 

I believe in following my intuition, it is always right. I found the perfect person to purchase my business (one of my customers) and now she carries on the love and care that I infused into my business.

This is also a great example of what you can do with your business. You can build it up over the course of many years and sell it when the time is right. Selling a business is an amazing process. I learned so much. It was amazing to see that I created a home business, from scratch, and I was able to sell it for a profit. It felt so good.

Now I get to help YOU get your business up and running. I get to help you bring in money into your household and I get to help you find a way to do this while you stay at home with your children. Or just stay at home and work if you don't have children.

So, if you are wanting more and if you are feeling called to create your own business, let me be the one to train you. I am here to help you and encourage you along your way.

Can't wait to meet you!

~Amy xo