What do you need for your Ceramic Handprint Business?

I bet you are wondering what the start up costs are for starting your own Ceramic Handprint Business. This is by far the question I get asked the most.

Well, I have got the answer.

Let me preface my words with this thought...

You are wanting to start a business and you know that with any business you will need to invest some time and money into it.

If you are approaching this business as a hobby, it will only be a hobby. If you approach it as a business and you lay the proper ground work, it will serve you well as a profitable business.

The people I train understand the principle of ROI, return on investment.

As with ANY business there are costs associated with running a business. This business is no different. You do need to do a little investing to get your business going. The good news is that the costs are pretty minimal.

If you are working at home, which is why this business is so appealing, your overhead is low. Purchasing your supplies is pretty inexpensive.

The largest financial investment in your business will be purchasing a kiln. I do recommend you purchase a kiln. It makes working at home easier. But, you do have options. Let me explain.

  • You can purchase a new kiln. The kiln I use sells for about $1800. It is a big upfront cost, but again, the return on investing in a kiln to be able to use in your own home, at your own convenience, is priceless.
  • You can purchase a used kiln. Used kilns range from $300-$1000.
  • You can take your impression plates to a local ceramic store and they will fire them for you. They will charge you a per item fee or a whole kiln load fee. I use a service like this if I am out of town doing impressions and I want to have my pieces fired while I am away from my home.

Lets say this business costs you $1000-$3500 (depending on the kiln you purchase) to get started (including training and the purchase of a new kiln). You have just invested in the successful nature of starting a business. You have just invested in you and your very own business.

I will break the number I gave you above down...

Ceramic Handprint Training ecourse $549 $247

Kiln $0-$2000

Start up supplies $300-$500

As you can see there is some wiggle room. Depends what route you want to go with for the kiln option and then it depends how many glazes and molds and tools you want to purchase, via your ceramic store. Meaning, you can decide to offer 5 color options, reducing the number of glazes you will need to purchase up front, for example. Tools and molds you can build up over time, as well. 

I want you to see that you have some control over how much money you need to invest in off the bat.

I am a believer in taking this seriously. When you invest in you and your business, you are setting a clear message that you are ready to go and you are going to approach this as a business, NOT a hobby.

If you are approaching ceramic hand and footprint impressions as a hobby, my training is not for you.

When you look at the numbers and see that you can make $2000 a month, part time and up to $5000+ a month full time, you will see that your initial investment will be made up really quickly.

In this case, investing a little bit up front will pay off in big dividends down the road.

Sending abundant business mojo your way!


[email protected]

This is the kiln I have loved and used for the past 20 years. Skutt 1018 Ceramic Kiln with electric controls, 3 in. brick.


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