What do you need for your Ceramic Handprint Business?

I bet you are wondering what the start up costs are for starting your own Ceramic Handprint Business. This is by far the question I get asked the most.

Well, I have got the answer.

Let me preface my words with this thought...

You are wanting to start a business and you know that with any business you will need to invest some time and money into it.

If you are approaching this business as a hobby, it will only be a hobby. If you approach it as a business and you lay the proper ground work, it will serve you well as a profitable business.

The people I train understand the principle of ROI, return on investment.

As with ANY business there are costs associated with running a business. This business is no different. You do need to do a little investing to get your business going. The good news is that the costs are pretty minimal.

If you are working at home, which is why this business is so appealing, your overhead is low. Purchasing your supplies is pretty inexpensive.

The largest...

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