Worried About Competition with your Ceramic Handprint Business?

Ready to start your own Ceramic Handprint Home Business? But you are worried about competition?

Stop it. (said very lovingly) ;)

Do the math.

In 2016, there were 50,486 births in Salt Lake City, Utah. (This was the last time I checked the numbers, when I was living in Utah.)

Think about that.

Even if you were able to create one hand and footprint keepsake for 10% of those babies, {only doing one plate per family}, you would be doing 5048 ceramic impression plates a year!!! That would be A LOT of work! 

This does not even include the siblings and pets and families!

Could it be done? Yes, of course, but you would have to hire help. 

That would be amazing, right? Getting to the point in your business where you need help. #businessgoals

Do the math in your hometown. You will see similar numbers. 

There is really no competition. Maybe other people are doing something similar near you, maybe not.

But NO ONE will be running a business like you.

When you take the leap and...

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Ceramic Handprint Businesses Around the World

You know the scene in You've Got Mail where Meg Ryan's character exclaims, "I'm A Chain?" Well that is how I feel each time one of my Ceramic Handprint Training goes out into the world. I get so excited that someone has taken the plunge and is starting their own journey of building a loving business.

 You are your own boss when you purchase my Ceramic Handprint Training ecourse and not actual a chain, but I feel a whole lotta happiness giving you the tools, to quickly, create your own successful business.

I opened my big book of trainees (you get to be in this book if you are one of my trainees) and I stared thinking and reflecting on all the people who I have gotten to meet, train, and talk with in relationship to building a ceramic handprint business. I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with you. It is fun to  know that you are experiencing the love and joy I do when I create impressions.

Want in my book?! Lemme know and I will be happy to get you started. :)


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