Do You Feel The Entrepreneur Spirit?

Thinking of being an entrepreneur? 

  • Do you have a little fire burning and you keep pushing it away?
  • When is the perfect time?
  • When will you have all the money to get started?
  • When will you have the knowledge it takes?
  • When will you have the skill and ability?
  • What if you fail?
  • What if you succeed?
  • When will you have all the answers?

You will NEVER have all the answers.

It is so funny......I am seriously the queen of questions. No, really I am!!! I have to answer these questions myself as I being a few new entrepreneur endeavors I am working on. I am starting a new business and all the scary feelings I had when I started Tiny Touches are looming over my head now. Only good has come from Tiny Touches and so why do I question my ability to start something else? I don’t know!!! LOL Fear I guess, it always seems to get in the way....

I look at starting a few business much like starting ANYTHING big. How about collage, getting married, having babies, etc? Are you really...

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