Your Kids and Your Ceramic Handprint Business

Our children are always watching us. They are little sponges that soak up all we do and say. This is Nathan, he is now 21! All grown up.

When I started my Ceramic Handprint Business, I did it because I wanted something for myself AND I wanted to make money.

Little did I know how great it would be for my kids.

My business became such a part of my family's life, that when I sold it, my teenage boys were sad.

Even my oldest (23 year now) who has always been a kid of few words, talked about how sad he was that I was selling it.

I involved them as much as I could.

As you can see by the photo above, handprints happened all the time!

I love it. I loved that I could set them up next to me and give them some clay to play with and they could go to town, creating anything they wanted. 

I taught them the process. They were used to the kiln and the fragile nature of the pieces I was creating. 

It was fun for all of us. 

There is so much more to this business than you think. Yes,...

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My New Ceramic Handprint Training Website is LIVE!

Hello New Trainee!

I am so happy you are here. I hope you are excited to get started with your new Ceramic Hand & Footprint business.

I have been busy on the back end of my website. Changing things up and making it beautiful and informative for you.

I am in the middle of transferring over the blogs from my old site to this brand new site.

So, there may be a splattering of uploads, but they are all here for you to read and explore and get excited for you to begin YOUR business.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, just let me know.

Send me an email anytime...

[email protected]

Oodles of love,


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Do You Feel The Entrepreneur Spirit?

Thinking of being an entrepreneur? 

  • Do you have a little fire burning and you keep pushing it away?
  • When is the perfect time?
  • When will you have all the money to get started?
  • When will you have the knowledge it takes?
  • When will you have the skill and ability?
  • What if you fail?
  • What if you succeed?
  • When will you have all the answers?

You will NEVER have all the answers.

It is so funny......I am seriously the queen of questions. No, really I am!!! I have to answer these questions myself as I being a few new entrepreneur endeavors I am working on. I am starting a new business and all the scary feelings I had when I started Tiny Touches are looming over my head now. Only good has come from Tiny Touches and so why do I question my ability to start something else? I don’t know!!! LOL Fear I guess, it always seems to get in the way....

I look at starting a few business much like starting ANYTHING big. How about collage, getting married, having babies, etc? Are you really...

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Happy New Year Beautiful!

2017....Bring it ON!

How many years have you spent sitting down on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day and written a list of your new year goals??? 

If you are like me...every year, right?!

Well, of course I still want to lose weight, make more money, improve my relationships, go on a nice vacation, read more etc. All those goals are in check and being worked on but...

This year I am making two changes that will give me more time for all of these things (above list) to manifest into my life; I am not keeping my phone by my bed during the night and I am getting up and out of bed at the same time (earlier) everyday (with the exception of a few weekend days here and there.)

I love my phone. It keeps me connected and it keeps me entertained. It makes it so I can escape for hours at a time, if I let myself. Sometimes, that is okay, everyday and night (into the wee hours of the mornings too) is not okay.

I resolve to connect more in real life. Phone calls,...

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